Batman v Superman: Leaked Teaser Trailer from SDCC
Now we don’t know when Warner Brothers will take the link down (they will eventually) but before they do, here’s a leaked first-look at the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie by director Zack Snyder. BATMAN V SUPERMAN Teaser Leaked! (HD) Comic-Con… by trailersstv There really isn’t much to go on with ... Batman v Superman: Leaked Teaser Trailer from SDCC

Now we don’t know when Warner Brothers will take the link down (they will eventually) but before they do, here’s a leaked first-look at the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie by director Zack Snyder.
BATMAN V SUPERMAN Teaser Leaked! (HD) Comic-Con… by trailersstv
There really isn’t much to go on with it, really, but it does give you a good idea of how the tone of the movie will be. True to form, Zack Snyder’s visual seems to lift pages from Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns to the big screen.
In fact, if you notice, Batman is wearing his signature armor in the Dark Knight Returns.
Whether you liked Man of Steel or not, one thing’s for sure, sh*t just got real for DC.
Here are some screenshots in case the link gets blocked. Fair warning though, since the video is clearly taken off from a phone camera, the images will be blurry.
And that’s it!
Batman v Superman gets pushed back to May 6, 2016. Looks like WB has 2 years to fix this (potentially) mega-movie franchise. Here’s hoping they do it right!