Tokyo Game Show ’15: Kingdom Hearts II.8 announced by Square Enix

Pretty much a semi new entry created to warm up fans that are already anxious for the third installment in the series, Square Enix announced during Sony's Tokyo Game Show press conference this year that they'll be releasing a new Kingdom Hearts HD Collection game for the PS4, and it's called "Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue"!


Months after giving their latest update on one of the most awaited sequels Role Playing Game sequels of all time, Square Enix dropped another bombshell of an announcement during Sony’s Tokyo Game Show Press Conference event and announced a brand new HD Collection release with Kingdom Hearts HD II.8 Final Chapter Prologue – a new compilation release featuring an HD port of the Nintendo 3DS title Kingdom Hearts 3D: Drop Dead Distance and two new entries in an HD theater cinematic called Kingdom Hearts X Back Cover and a new playable short episode called Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth By Sleep – A Fragmentary Passage –.


Here’s the announcement trailer, as shown during the press conference.

Kingdom Hearts II.8 Final Chapter Prologue will be released for the Sony Playstation 4 sometime in 2016.