Batman v Superman: New BvS Poster and Lex Luthor “Wired” cover released

With two months left until it hits theaters and showcases the titanic superhero brawl between The Dark Knight and The Man of Steel, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment release a brand new "BvS" poster while Wired Magazine spotlights Lex Luthor in their January issue promoting "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice".

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With just about two months left until it hits theaters and shows off the titanic battle between The Dark Knight of Gotham City and Man of Steel from Metropolis, Warner Bros. and DC Entertainment have unleashed a brand new poster for “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice“, which is a combination of the previously released IMAX posters depicting the faces of Batman and Superman with their respective logos opposing the other – only this time we get both in one sheet and portrayed like a “VS” screen that advertises their inevitable battle.

On the other side of the fence, Jesse Eisenberg’s Lex Luthor is getting the spotlight again, this time with the January issue of Wired Magazine. Instagram user Cheryl Vuong shows it off in her post:


Special January issue of #wired here at #ces2016 #batmanvsuperman

A photo posted by Cheryl Vuong (@cherylvuong) on

Of course this cover depicting the future nemesis of Superman shows that the young billionaire genius is both confident and cocky… And he’ll be playing a crucial part in pitting Bats against Supes… And then some as the last trailer showcased.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters on March 24, 2016.