5 Ways to Pimp Out Your Board Games

When “flaunting” your most beloved board games, you want it to look its best so you can enjoy it as much as you can, as well as get others hooked on it. What better way to do so than by pimping it out? We’ll show you 5 ways to improve your treasured board games!

For avid Table Top Gamers, there would always be that one game that will always hold a special place in their heart. It’s that one game that just seems to get even better every time you put in on the gaming table. It may even come to a point where you’ve bought a copy or two for yourself so you can share your love for the game with your friends and family. It’s THE game!

Of course when “flaunting” it, you want it to look its best so you can enjoy it as much as you can, as well as get others hooked on it. What better way to do so than by pimping it out? As you read through, we’ll show you 5 ways to improve your beloved games and make them even more visually appealing. So let’s jump right into it!


1. Card Sleeves

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Cards sleeves come in a variety of shapes and sizes, accommodating virtually every type of card that you may encounter. They make your game, particularly the cards, look sleek, and keep the dirt off. These help your game survive those spilled soda or salsa drop incidents.



Okay, some of you may say that sleeving your cards doesn’t necessarily make your game look better. It usually means more costs, could be problematic for storage, or, simply, you want to feel the texture of the cards. And hey, I won’t argue with you there. It’s your game and I respect your preferences. To each his own.



What I’m saying here though is that sleeves have their undoubtable benefits. It protects your game from the wear and tear of gameplay and ultimately prolongs your game’s life. The games don’t come cheap by themselves right? So… safeguard your much beloved possession that makes you happy. Use protection.


2. Medicine/Special Containers



You know those games where you have tons of tokens, chips, and other components? And most of the time you find yourself fussing with zip locks and reshaping its contents to fit the box when cleaning up? You enjoy the game a lot but for the love of all that’s good in the world, set up and clean up becomes such a pain!



Then buddy, say hello to medicine / special containers! And no, I’m not joking. These bad boys help you organize your game’s components thus making it less cluttered. Instead of placing the tokens in a pile on the table, just place the container within easy reach of everyone! Set ups and clean ups won’t be a total drag now, would it? Just make sure to get a container that would fit in the game box.


3. Custom Box Inserts

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Some board games come with simple cardboard dividers while others have with their own nifty inserts that would have storage spaces for every component. However, in the latter’s case, they don’t usually account for sleeves thus giving you another storage problem.



Here’s where custom box inserts come in! These are custom dividers, specifically designed for each board game (well, almost each one) that maximizes box space and answers storage organizing issues, even accommodating sleeved cards.

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Actually, There are people who specifically design and produce these inserts, so you can check them out online or, if somebody makes them locally, give them a call. Now if you’re on a tight budget, maybe doing a DIY is the way. Just get those foam boards, cutters, and adhesives to start creating one. This way, you can even create your custom design!


4. Paint



Some games come with beautifully pre-painted miniatures while others come with unpainted ones. With the latter, one of the best ways to pimp them out is to paint the figurines and make them come to life! Any bystander won’t be able to help but gawk and reach out for them (careful!), usually accompanied by questions about the game, potentially getting them hooked as well. What better way to share your love for the game, right?


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You can have a professional paint your figurines, making sure they’re of the top quality, or you can paint them yourself thus adding a sense of personal value to the game since you’ll be adding your personal touch, time, and effort in making it look good.




Painting it by yourself might seem daunting, at first, but, luckily, there are a lot of tutorial materials and videos online that give you step-by-step instructions (from priming to finish), as well as techniques, like base coating, dry brushing, and washing. Just give it a try and, hey, before you know it, you may even discover a new hobby!


5. Custom Components

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You know that brown cube that’s supposed to be “wood” or that circle that’s supposed to be “cattle”? Know what the problem with them is? They don’t look like what they’re supposed to represent.


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Okay, this is just a superficial issue and I actually have no problem with those tokens at all. But having them look what they’re supposed to represent would be great. The good news is that there are custom components being produced officially and independently which may address this concern. So, yay! Just check them online.



Custom Gate Holders for Arkham / Eldritch Horror


And there you have it! Remember these are just 5 ways to pimp up your favorite game. There are several other ways to enhance them, with customized dice, custom card dividers and custom boards to name a few. And you can even experiment with molding materials if you want! The possibilities are endless. You just have to think of ways to maximize the enjoyment you get with the games that you love.




So what are you waiting for? Flex your imagination and creativity and start pimping up your game!


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