Sword or 80s Metal Band? A new game from the Game of Thrones

The upcoming sixth season of Game of Thrones may be filled with dread, mayhem, war, and many more terrifying things BUT the people from the show thought of a way to help the International Rescue Committee by making a game called “Game of Thrones Swords or 80s Metal Band”!

The upcoming sixth season of Game of Thrones may be filled with dread, mayhem, war, and many more terrifying things BUT the people from the show thought of a way to help the International Rescue Committee by making a game called “Game of Thrones Swords or 80s Metal Band”! Yep, that’s right, check out the video below and see how some the cast members fared.



Get a chance to see the exclusive premiere of season six together with the cast of the show in LA. You’ll be face to face with your favorite house members, sharing drinks, laughing with them, taking selfies & groupies, spiking the other house’s drinks to ensure your favorite family wins the Game of Thrones… you know, the usual stuff :p


For more details and to enter click the link HERE, you’ll be doing yourself and the rest of the world a favor. Join now!