An Interview with Riddle, Mike Zeck, and Other Incoming APCC Manila 2016 Guests
The AsiaPOP Comicon Manila 2016 is just DAYS AWAY but, before the event gets underway, we got a chance to interview some of the guests for a chance to get to know them better and to get their thoughts on the upcoming event.

The AsiaPOP Comicon (APCC) Manila 2016 is just DAYS AWAY and the HYPE IS REAL! Celebrities, International Cosplayers, Renowned Artists, and more will be coming over to join us in one of the biggest annual geek events of the region.
Before the event gets underway, we got a chance to interview some of the guests for a chance to get to know them better and to get their thoughts on the upcoming APCC. Check out the interviews below:
Riki “Riddle” LeCotey
UnGeek (UG): What are you looking forward to in this year’s APCC and your visit to the Philippines?
Riki “Riddle” LeCotey (RL): I have always commented that people in the Philippines are people who are proud of their country’s accomplishments and really get behind one another. I really love that and look forward to being part of the community in such a supportive country.
UG: What hobbies or interests are you into that make you a geek? What are your favorites?
RL: I love all things. Videogames, Anime and Comic books! I don’t have as much time to play as many games, I mostly do that when I’m travelling! I am excited about Last Guardian & Final Fantasy 15! Of course the New Zelda! I have been into RPGs since I was a little girl, as for anime, Right now I’m watching Food Wars, Re:Life & Jojo Bizarre adventure.
UG: Can you give any advice for how a cosplayer would stand out or be successful?
RL: I honestly don’t know. If anyone has any tips for me. Let me know! I can just tell you I pick the characters I love, and focus on my craftsmanship, each time challenging myself. Even if it’s a costume you can use found pieces. Add some touches to make it your own.
UG: If money and effort would not be an issue, what would be your dream cosplay to dress up as?
RL: Priss’ Hardsuit from Bubble gum crisis.
UG: We love your Assassin’s Creed cosplay! Are you a fan of the franchise? Can we get your thoughts on the upcoming Assassin’s Creed movie?
RL: I am a bit fan of the franchise since the first one. I appreciate the attention to detail that Ubisoft puts into their work. My favourite AC games would have to be Assassin Creed II &Brotherhood, I really enjoyed Ezio as a main character! As for the movie, I am excited to see how it plays out, I am a big fan of the costume designers work, Sammy Sheldon.
Mike Zeck
UG: What are you looking forward to in this year’s APCC? 4What are you looking forward to in your visit to the Philippines?
Mike Zeck (MZ): When I heard about APCC I immediately wanted to plan a summer vacation around that date. Starting in 1991 I’ve made visits to the Philippines when possible. Love the islands, the beaches, the people, the food, and the culture. Planning a trip around the largest Comicon (APCC) in the country is a real bonus. There are so many talented artists in the Philippines who I’ve either met or have yet to meet and the AsiaPOP Con will be a great opportunity to mingle with the Pinoy komiks community and the fans as well.
UG: What do you consider to be your biggest masterpiece / achievement in Comics?
MZ: I’ll say “Kraven’s Last Hunt” based on the fact that 30 years later, readers are still discovering it and hailing it one of the top Spider-Man stories of all time.
UG: We’ve seen a lot of character reboots in comics and movie that came out with a more modernized look. If you could pick any one hero, how would you reimagine / redo this hero in terms of aesthetic and story?
MZ: What I’d actually like to see is the Kraven Saga brought to the big screen, and I wouldn’t reimagine a thing. I consider the story to be that strong. It would be a very different tone than other Marvel films but it might also mimic the comics series in that it could be the Spider-Man film that fans talk about for years to come.
UG: You mentioned before that you really liked Captain America. Any thoughts on the recent comic twist about Captain America?
MZ: Only that it’s not the first bad idea in the long history of comics character plot lines, and probably not the last. I’m sure it has a bunch of Captain America writers and artist either rolling their eyes or rolling over in their graves.
UG: What’s the one piece of advice that you’d give to people who want to get into doing Comic Book Art?
MZ: Have a backup plan! Only a handful of aspiring comic book artists will actually break into the industry. And only a handful of those who break in will be able to make a decent living wage. Sad but true, so don’t neglect your academic studies through school and college. That diploma or degree may be a life saver later in life.
Lindze Merrit
UG: What are you looking forward to in this year’s APCC?
Lindze Merrit (LM): Meeting the Manila people and experiencing the culture there.
UG: What are you looking forward to in your visit to the Philippines?
LM: Scuba Diving in Anilao =)
UG: What hobbies or interests are you into that make you a geek? What are your favorites?
LM: I like most aspects of nerd culture: Video games (Favorite: Disgaea and Uncharted), Comic Books (Favorite: Hellboy), Manga (favorite: Yotsuba), Books (favorite: Harry Potter and the Dresden series) and Movies (Favorite: The Princess Bride)
UG: What would you consider to be your favorite / signature cosplay?
LM: Signature is probably Morrigan, but Miranda is my favorite.
UG: Are there any recent or upcoming movies / anime / series that you’re looking to as inspiration for your next Cosplay?
LM: Zootopia! Riki & I plan to cosplay from it for AsiaPop this year =)
UG: We heard you were a Harry Potter fan! What Hogwarts House would you be sorted to and why?
LM: I am! I have a Harry Potter bathroom and car, even. I am Slytherin house. Not because Im evil, but because I am the type to do whatever is necessary to achieve my goals. Luckily my goals are for good 😉
UG: Can you give any advice for how a cosplayer would stand out or be successful?
LM: Honestly, I think “success” as a cosplayer is random luck. Nowadays there are so many beautiful and talented cosplayers, and the famous ones aren’t even always the most talented or beautiful. Pure luck. Just do it cause you love it, not for fame.
Whilce Portacio
UG: What are you looking forward to in this year’s APCC?
Whilce Portacio (WP): Showing Ken Lashley, Mike Zeck, and Billy Tan how fun Manila is!!!
UG: What are you looking forward to in your visit to the Philippines?
WP: I am opening a new studio in Manila!!!!
UG: What hobbies or interests are you into that make you a geek? What are your favorites?
WP: Building model kits, playing guitar, watching old movies, and reading science fiction!!!! I love Miyazaki movies. My fave is “Kiki’s Delivery Service, playing Fallout 4 off script, staring at NASA planetary images…
UG: What do you consider to be your biggest masterpiece / achievement in Comics?
WP: Helping Brian Haberlin figure out how to use Photoshop for comics!!!
UG: We heard you have a new scifi book coming this year? Is there anything you can tell us about that?
WP: Can’t say yet…but I will soon preview an online comicbook about a tribal warrior who battles demons and spirits!!!
UG: What is your process in making your art? Do you have a ritual like taking long walks for inspiration or taking a few hours of your day to just make art?
WP: When working professionally you cannot have a routine or process to get you working, you simply must work when your deadline dictates.
Yugana Senshi Uon
UG: What are you looking forward to in this year’s APCC?
Yugana Senshi Uon (YU): Amazing cosplayers with equally amazing crowd!
UG: What are you looking forward to in your visit to the Philippines?
YU: To see the cosplay scene and of course, the food especially these few that I have heard so much about : Chicken Adobo, Kare Kare, Kinilaw, Sinigang, Tapsilong and Halo halo. Don’t think I am brave enough to try Balut though . Ah, and perhaps to take a stroll in the mall. Yugana and shopping usually go hand in hand. Kumusta Pilipinas! Sending all my love to everyone!
UG: What hobbies or interests are you into that make you a geek? What are your favorites?
YU: Honestly, I am not a gamer but I do collect comics, read books and watches Anime. The real geek in the family is my other half. Two of my favourite writers are R.A. Salvatore and Anne Rice. I love Bleach, D Grayman, Hell Girl, Akame Ga Kill, Evangelion, Escaflowne , Mushihi , Kamisama Hajimemashita, xxxHolic and the list goes on for Japanese Anime. I love crafting, be it sewing, making soap, making jewelries, painting, felting, or anything that tickles my fancy. I tend to pick up new crafting hobbies along the way.
UG: It’s not easy to stand-out as a cosplayer in the crowd. Could you identify and share the story of that moment or instance when you became a huge name in Cosplay? Can you describe how you initially reacted?
YU: I don’t see myself as a big name in Cosplay. I am just doing what I love. Making friends along the way and meeting those who shares the same interest as myself. I am usually humbled by the reception I get at each event.
UG: Can you give any advice for how a cosplayer would stand out or be successful?
YU: A cosplayer should never cosplay for fame. Cosplay for the love of the art.
UG: Are there any recent or upcoming movies / anime / series that you’re looking to as inspiration for your next Cosplay?
YU: Suicide Squad I guess. Am much interested in the movie version of Enchantress.
UG: If money and effort would not be an issue, what would be your dream cosplay to dress up as?
YU: Lolth, Queen of Spiders, Goddess of the drow, from Forgotten Realm, written by R.A. Salvatore.
UG: What can you say was the key to your success as a cosplayer?
YU: Passion and determination. Be passionate about cosplay. Be determined to bring the character to life. Research about the crafting involved, makeup, contact lenses, materials, and etc that is needed to breathe life into the character.
It was BEYOND awesome to be able to interview these amazing people and get their thoughts on the APCC and their craft! We, at UnGeek, can’t wait to meet all of them this weekend. We’re definitely counting the hours until APCC 2016 and we hope to see you all there!
Special thanks to the AsiaPOP Comicon Team for giving us the opportunity to have this email interview!
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