Brace Yourselves for more Seasonal Item Goodness! The Overwatch Winter Wonderland Patch is Here!
You'll definitely feel the Christmas spirit as Overwatch becomes a Winter Wonderland with their most recent patch that just went live a few hours ago.

You’ll definitely feel the Christmas spirit as Overwatch becomes a Winter Wonderland with their most recent patch that just went live a few hours ago. Check out their cute and heart-warming video 🙂
Yup, you can really feel the Holidays are upon us! So just like any of their seasonal content, it comes with the usuals – A new Winter Loot Box containing various awesome cosmetic items, a new brawl, and pimped-out maps.
Winter Wonderland Items
Let’s not fool ourselves. We’re in it for the items! I’m happy to tell you that there are a LOT of new items AND they’re still purchasable with in-game gold! Thank you for listening to the community, Blizzard! So yea, there’s a BUNCH OF AWESOME ITEMS now available (from skins to emotes to highlight intros, etc)
Want to know the full list of new items? YouTube channel “Your Overwatch” released this video detailing each and every last one. Remember, you should’ve received a free Lootbox upon patching. Be sure to open it!
New Brawl – Mei’s Snowball Offensive
We also have the latest seasonal brawl called MEI’S SNOWBALL OFFENSIVE! And it’s amazingly cute.
That mode is basically a 6v6 match in Antartica. You’ll all be Mei and you have a gun that does 1-hit kills BUT you only have one shot. To reload, you need to find snowpiles on the ground. First to beat the enemy 3 times wins.
The other mode is called WINTER MYSTERY. All that it is, really, is a MYSTERY MATCH where dying changes your hero to another one at random. You’ll also get to play at the newly redecorated maps (like King’s Row).
Just to remind you, winning any of these 2 maps for the first time will get you a free Lootbox!
So HAPPY HOLIDAYS, everyone! May you receive the awesome items you want and not just get duplicates most of the time. 🙂 Till next time!