If you are a fan of anything related to tabletop and boardgames, you would probably know that the hobby (and everything else for that matter) took quite a hit because of the pandemic. Even if that was the case, gamers still find ways to enjoy the hobby and play safely. There are a lot of boardgaming websites out there like Board Game Arena which lets you play some popular titles like Azul or Puerto Rico. Personally, I enjoy a session or two of Gloomhaven Digital with friends just to scratch that gaming itch.
One group of tabletop gamers in the Philippines called Team Tara Laro took the initiative earlier this year and launched “Tara Laro! 2021” which was a virtual tabletop convention held over at Discord. Aside from playing your favorite board games in the comfort of your own PC or laptop, the online gathering featured lots of events related to the hobby like miniature painting workshops, tournaments and playtesting of some upcoming games. What’s great about this event is that they had some gaming moderators to help facilitate some games to new people.

Before the year ends, TTL are aiming for a much bigger event with DiceConnected. Here’s what they have to say from their press release:
This December, we hope to make it bigger and better by making it a more open and public event!
Introducing, DiceConnected, Held this coming December 17-19 2021!
We hope to maintain the same level of openness and quality for our event as last time, by carefully considering the feedback given us. Aside from having the same events as above, we are planning more workshops/talks, more open tables and games, as well as a Community Auction, where participants can post a set of their boardgames for auction.
DiceConnected is an event where we want our participants to feel connected through dice and games, despite the disconnection caused by the pandemic. By bringing people together for the hobby, we hope more people can appreciate the hobby and get to meet new people along the way.
Why is our logo a radish? It’s also known as a Daikon, which is close enough to our shorthand name for DiceCon, just as a quick nod to the quirkiness, fun, and humor our team has to offer. It’s a manifestation of our experiences in playing boardgames with each other. We find memes, stories to talk about, and some bad puns that last forever, namely we made a pun and we loved it!
We’re planning a release of new announcements starting December 6 Monday leading up to the event! Find out more about our events, sponsors, games, and prizes on our FB page:
Let’s be DiceConnected! See you!
If its anything like its original outing, DiceConnected looks to aim for both casual and new players getting in to the hobby, with the known gaming vets in the community taking the wheel and sharing the experience to those uninitiated in the world of cardboard and plastic. Again, the event will happen online this December 17-19, 2021. You can participate as a player or even someone who can moderate or teach games.