WATCH: Teaser to Fan Film starring Green Lantern John Stewart is AWESOME
While the DC Cinematic Universe has yet to reveal who exactly will be the new "Green Lantern" that will be appearing in the Justice League movies and the new solo film of the Emerald Warrior, a teaser of a upcoming fan film called "Power" has gone ahead and featured none other than one of the most respected corpsmen ever to wear the green ring... JOHN STEWART! "Beware My Power... Green Lantern's Light!!!"

If there was any DC Superhero who needed a live-action counterpart that had resonance with younger viewers thanks to the Justice League animated shows, it’s none other than the other Green Lantern of that series… John Stewart!
Long rumored to be the Emerald Warrior that’ll appear in the Justice League films of the DC Cinematic Universe as well as a new Green Lantern solo flick that’ll be released in 2020, there’s no word yet on who exactly will be the chosen one to wield the Green Ring and sling it alongside the presence of other heroes such as Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. What is known however is that it may possibly be one of the other earthmen replacements that have stood in Hal Jordan’s place… And a lot are hoping it’s the African-American man who made a name as a refined soldier and corpsman!
Since it’s just a trailer, here’s hoping “Power” comes out soon… And shows up GREEN LANTERN’S LIGHT!