Rachel McAdams Joins the Cast of Doctor Strange
When we first heard that Doctor Strange would be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe line-up we were gob smacked! Finally MCU will be bringing in another dimension to an already rich cinematic universe: magic. It’s interesting to see how Marvel addresses the realm of the supernatural (We mean the magical kind of supernatural here… ... Rachel McAdams Joins the Cast of Doctor Strange

When we first heard that Doctor Strange would be part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe line-up we were gob smacked! Finally MCU will be bringing in another dimension to an already rich cinematic universe: magic. It’s interesting to see how Marvel addresses the realm of the supernatural (We mean the magical kind of supernatural here… Let’s forget that Ghostrider ever existed, shall we). After that, rumors then started swirling as to who would play the good doctor. Hollywood teased us on a potential Benedict Cumberbatch of Sherlock and Star Trek fame and they did not disappoint when they finally confirmed our new Sorcerer Supreme a couple of months.
Rachel McAdams has been in talks with the studio since June, but reports have generally remained unconfirmed – until Today. McAdams told The Wrap on Monday during the Toronto Film Festival that she would indeed be joining the cast that also includes the likes of Tilda Swanton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Mads Mikkelson; her character, however, has not been verified.
Marvel’s Doctor Strange starts filming this November and will be released the following year. Until then, we can twiddle our thumbs as Marvel keeps us in eager anticipation. It’s a good thing that Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a few months away.