Arrow Update: The Demon’s Head Arrives for Season 3

Season 3 of Arrow is looking to be more epic that we’ve ever imagined! While mentions of Ra’s Al Ghul was made throughout season 2 and with the direct involvement of the League of Assassins evident, we were hoping that the Demon’s Head may arrive on Arrow but we weren’t really expecting it to be this ... Arrow Update: The Demon’s Head Arrives for Season 3

Season 3 of Arrow is looking to be more epic that we’ve ever imagined! While mentions of Ra’s Al Ghul was made throughout season 2 and with the direct involvement of the League of Assassins evident, we were hoping that the Demon’s Head may arrive on Arrow but we weren’t really expecting it to be this soon!

Ras Al Ghul_header

After Ollie places Deathstroke behind heavily concrete bars in Season 2 we were speculating who the central villain for Season 3 may be. And with this announcement, man, are we in for a treat (of course these are still speculations but it’s exciting to see Ollie pit himself against Ra’s freaking Al Ghul)!

Watch the extended clip below to get a glimpse of Ra’s! We’re actually quite psyched because it looks like a faithful adaptation of his comic book self!  (If you want to skip the spoiler parts for Season 2 hit the 2:30 part).

Arrow Season 3 resumes on October 8, 2014.
