Save Your Munny As the 2 Deluxe Editions For Kingdom Hearts III is Worth Getting | E3 2018
You got me at the KH Trinity figures.

Better save up those munny as Square Enix just revealed two deluxe editions for Kingdom Hearts III. Here’s the first one (pictured above):
Deluxe Edition ($79.99 USD)
– Exclusive steelbook packaging
– Mini art book
– Kingdom Hearts III pin
Yeah I know, a bit weak right? Looking get something more? Well fear not as they are offering an EVEN BETTER deluxe edition which includes the Bring Arts Figues! (Now why do I sound like an infomercial host).
Here’s what you’ll get with the Deluxe Edition + Bring Arts Figures bundle ($229.99 USD)
– Everything from the previous deluxe edition mentioned
– Bring Arts Figures of Sora, Donald and Goofy
Kingdom Hearts III releases next year for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on January 29.